The multi brand webshop Essenza Home sells bed, bath & home products for several brands. I’ve managed the client and the development of sprints. Several optimalisations were made, including:
- Multi national store
- New Payment service provider
- Instore payment solutions
- New data management (ERP) interface
- Product catalog management
- Responsive templates
- System upgrade / performance fixes
- User experience revisions
My job
For Essenza my job was to be the primary contact person and to discuss opportunities and requests. I’ve helped Essenza creating and executing their product development roadmap.
The process
The issues coming from the roadmap and requirment workshops with the client were managed using JIRA scrumboards. Monthly release cycles allowed continuous development of the Ecommerce environment. For bigger projects, a functional design and quote were composed before the project could be realised combined with the SCRUM optimalisations.
The result
Essenza is able to run a successful webshop allowing them to sell their different brands online. Through new market expansion (Germany) Essenza is able achieve large growth. The new ERP and interfaces give them the flexibility they need to manage their webshop & products. Essenza has achieved 22% increase in conversion (2016 vs. 2017) and is able to sell over 20k orders a year (2017).