Delft Marketing manages the portal in order to provide both national and international visitors all the information they need for a fun day in Delft.

My job

For Delft marketing I’ve worked as a part time employee for over a year managing the website. The site uses a content management system that easily allows adapting the content of the different pages. On the site you find useful tools such as a tool for accommodation and a Google Maps plugin displaying all the restaurants in Delft. I’ve done a usability analysis of the booking tool and I’ve updated the maps and content pages.

During my time Delft Marketing was promoting their ‘I like Delft’ campaign, trying to gather likes for the page. The facebook channel is meant to distribute quick news, fun facts and event promotions to the locals of Delft.

The process

Doing content management in the CMS. Editing the maps using a foursquare engine. Testing the tool for affiliate marketing. Processing promotional materials for the NuInDelft Facebook campaign.

The result

Providing tourist all information they need using the online portal. A successful implementation of the affiliate plugin and putting the Delft Marketing partners on the map (literally…). Reaching over 25k followers through the Facebook page.


Launch Project

See it Live!
