For my graduation project, I’ve developed an interactive prototype of the ‘gorilla matching mirror’. The mirror is based on the skeleton tracking principle using the kinect its RGB & infrared sensors. My job To create a working prototype demonstrating the concept of the ‘gorilla mirror’ The process The prototype is based on a scenario design. The prototype has been written …
Delft Marketing – Content management & online campaigns
Delft Marketing manages the portal in order to provide both national and international visitors all the information they need for a fun day in Delft. My job For Delft marketing I’ve worked as a part time employee for over a year managing the website. The site uses a content management system that easily allows adapting the content of …
Consumentenbond – User testing & redesign of camera comparison module
For a MSc course we were asked to test the usability of a module on the consumentenbond website for comparing products. My job Group member of a team of 4, so responsibilities were shared amongst the group. I was responsible for conducting 4 user tests, analysing the results (group), making redesign suggestions (group), building a prototype, user testing the prototype, reporting …